
DIZK is a Java library for distributed zero knowledge proof systems, especially designed for Groth16.

My purpose is to run Circom program in DIZK, and test the performance improvement.

However, DIZK does not support parsing R1CS input.

Thanks for the Gnosis team, they forked DIZK repo and add R1CS input support in this PR

It defines a DIZK R1CS JSON format: dizk/src/test/data/ at input_feed · gnosis/dizk · GitHub,

which is different from the .r1cs binary format defined by the Circom creator iden3 r1csfile/doc/ at master · iden3/r1csfile (

So, we should translate between these two R1CS formats.

Goal: Profiling Circom program in DIZK

In order to profile Cirom program in DIZK, we have to go through the following process:

Circom —Compiler—> R1CS .r1cs —We Try to Solve—> DIZK JSON ——> DIZK

Break it into 4 steps:

The Circom program used today is zk-mnist.

We will walk through the whole process step by step.

If you are only interested in profiling zk-mnist in DIZK, you may jump to my DIZK fork repo, and run profiling scripts. doutv/dizk: Java library for distributed zero knowledge proof systems (